Mapping a site for aerial application is a great way to speed up the planning stage, especially for large complex sites! Many people have asked the question, so what happens after you have mapped the site?
There are basically 4 steps when it comes to flight planning with mapping drones. Each step is incredibly important in guaruanteeing the success of accurate and safe application.
Precise image capturing is first then uploading imagery onto our mapping software called “Terra” to stitch (reconstruct) images into an accurate, photorealistic 2 dimentional map called an Orthomosaic.
This Orthomosaic is integral for flight planing so we can precisely locate Treatment areas, Obstacles, features and non-spray areas.
Once the imagery is reconstructed I can design so many different flight patterns to suit the most unique operation.
So if your interested in me utilizing my drones on a site, contact us to find out how we can help you!