Most operators prefer automated flight operation right? and for good reason especially when applying product. But sometimes manual is the only practical option🤔
✓The great thing about automation is it’s left up to the drones flight controller, which allows for;
→Accurate application, because you know exacly where you are up too
→Recording of obstacles, to provent collisions with them😲
→Minimal wastage from precise overlap and no accidental reapplication😉
→Repeatable application on the same site, time after time!
✓Manual flight application is often required when;
→The application site is too awkward or dangerous to access for RTK Flight planning (Aquatic weeds, steep slopes, snake infested grass ETC..).🐍😬
→Time constraints, where it will take too long or the job is too small to flight plan.⏱️
→Working near electric powerlines, that cause electromagnetic interference (EMI) making the RTK Unusable.📡
🤜I for one would rather Automated flight application, but the fact is it’s not so straight forward.
🤜This became apparent to me when treating blackberry, because it gets into the most tedious inaccessable spots.
This is where I am greatful to have both manual and auto options, so I can tackle most situations.😉
If your interested in my drone services or have any questions, feel free to contact us!😉