Applying chemical the traditional way such as hand spraying is extremely common, especially with hard to reach areas inacessable to boomspray rigs.
This method involves walking with the hose over rough country to treat weed infestations which can be quite laborious and time consuming.

Another common method, is spraying from a side by side ATV’s with a hose reel setup which reduces alot of manual labour, but can still involve alot of walking.
So other than manual labour what do these methods have in common?
A high potential of Chemical exposure!

I mean sure your wearing a chemical approved respirator mask right? Yeah sure and the winds going the right way for now and ahh the chemical isn’t that bad it’s harmless.
Yep I’ve heard it all before and i’m not judging anyone! I’ve been out on days spraying and the wind has suddenly changed direction and covered me in chemical.
Things like appropriate PPE will always help reduce the risk of Chemical Exposure, especially if the wind picks up and changes direction.

But! The closer you are to what is being treated, the higher the risk, and this is where Drone Application is helping reduce the potential of exposure!
With the DJI T40’s brilliant FPV System I can see the extent of infestation in full high definition from a safe distance, thus reducing exposure.

The T40 has many Automated functions to help reduce pilot error, resulting in a more accurate application without being too close to the treatment site.
Being able to lug nasty chemicals up and over rough terrain far away from humans by Drone, is definately a great way to reduce exposure.

Check out my website for more info and contact me to setup a day using my T40 to reduce chemical exposure on your site!